KBA Cortina: Excellent quality and minimised waste
The waterless coldset process realised on the Cortina guarantees excellent print quality for newspapers, magazines and a range of other special publications, while at the same time reducing waste to a minimum. The elimination of dampening units is good for the environment, and the compact design and extensive automation of the press make work easier for the operator. The two Cortinas each comprise two reelstands, two printing towers and a folder. Wide-ranging automation features, such as automatic plate and format changing, CleanTronic washing systems, RollerTronic roller locks, and colour and cut-off register controls, shorten makeready times and reduce maintenance outlay.
Both presses are able to print newspapers with up to 64 pages in tabloid format. The variable web width and an optional coating unit – a facility which no other coldset press can offer – enable the production of high-quality semi-commercials for external target groups in addition to daily newspaper production. Other Cortina users are already very successful with such products. Further coating units and hot-air dryers can be retrofitted as and when required.

Commander line fit for the future
The reelstands, printing towers, folders, controllers and consoles of the existing KBA Commander are to be brought into line with the latest state of technology. The quarter-width ink ducts are to be replaced with full-width ducts, for example, and the entire scope of mechanical, pneumatic, control and drive elements is to be overhauled or renewed.
To accommodate future production demands, five of the twelve towers of the KBA Commander are to be dismantled and a folder is to be relocated. The impact on daily production will be minimised by spreading the work over six integrated retrofit phases lasting until mid-2019.

CPP is the largest newspaper printer in Belgium
Coldset Printing Partners was founded by the two Belgian media houses Corelio and Concentra in 2010, and is today the largest newspaper printer in the country. Alongside the nightly production of De Standaard, Het Nieuwsblad, De Gentenaar, L´Avenir, Gazet van Antwerpen, Het Belang van Limburg, De Limburger and Metro, a diversity of “daytime products” are already being printed. And with the two new Cortina sections, CPP is acquiring uniquely efficient and flexible equipment engineered to deliver print products of the highest quality.